Catching big fish is easy eating it that's the problem
Rock Fishing
Rock Fishing
Rock Fishing
Rock Fishing
Rock Fishing
Click on small image to enlarge. Fish on photos are: Tailor, Parrot fish, Cods, Wresses, Spangled emperor, Tarwhine

Rock Fishing
Rock Fishing
Rock Fishing
Rock Fishing
Rock Fishing
Rock Fishing
Rock Fishing
Rock Fishing
Rock Fishing
Rock Fishing

Fishing rock ledges

Rock Fishing
Rock Fishing
Rock Fishing
Rock Fishing
Rock Fishing
Rock Fishing

Fishing Western Australian Coast

Fishing rocks and beaches

We'll fish on the beaches on the rocks on the rivers, estuaries, bays, jetties, piers, lakes, seas and oceans we'll fish everywhere we'll never give up we always will be fishing

Click on small image to enlarge. for those who thinks catching fish is the cheap way to get a meal think again. It is for more cheaper to buy fish on the seafood market then catching it. Below some photos from Korean seafood market, I just can't understand why we can't have markets like that in Perth, all freshly caught seafood, not like in Perth from warehouses where seafood have been frozen for months before its get to the shop and that's what in Perth is called fresh. So catching your own fish is far more expensive but is fresh, anyway I do my fishing for pleasure, and relax . Most of the time I buy fish to eat.
Seafood market
Seafood market
Seafood market
Seafood market
Seafood market
Seafood market
Seafood market
Seafood market
Seafood market
Seafood market
Seafood market
Seafood market
Seafood market
Seafood market
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